About Zion
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Zion Lutheran Church was organized on June 14, 1852. Up until 1988, Zion had been part of the American Lutheran Church (ALC) becoming an ELCA affiliated church in 1988. Since our formation, we have had 13 pastors and 1 Deacon as our shepherd, 19 assistants and 35 sons of the congregation becoming pastors. Zion established give daughter congregations in the area. In 1891, a German Lutheran Parochial School was formed and eventually sold to Sandusky City Schools. We have attended services in 4 buildings over the years: our current location since 1899. The first English services were held in 1912.
One of our community service projects is our Community Thanksgiving Day Dinner. We have partnered with Holy Angels Catholic Church for over 40 years in providing a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner to the local community, adding delivery and take out options in recent years. We've also had several unity services with the Congregational Church and Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church as we share this intersection. May the Holy Spirit keep guiding and supporting us as we share God's love with our fellow children of God's creation.
Staff and Leadership
Church Staff
Rev. Michael Conklin, Pastor
Ron Albert - Choir Director
Lori Wobser - Church Administrator
Sarah Mears - Worship Tech Support & Office Support
Darlene Bibler - Custodian
Judy Burrows - Saturday Worship Accompanist
Cole Burger - Interim Organist
Vicki Boesch - Youth and Young Adult Leader
Executive Committee
Carla Mitchell - President
Sheree Miller - Vice President
Marjorie Burton - Secretary / Treasurer
Church Council
Back Row L to R:
Jon Carver - Worship and Music
Patricia Volz - At Large
Rosalind Orticari - Stewardship and Administration
Cathy Nye - Fresh Expressions and At Large
Second row:
Sheree' Miller - Vice President
Carla Mitchell - President
Vicki Boesch - Christian Education
Front row:
Sandra Like - Parish Life
Beth Busdicker - Mission and Outreach
Marjorie Burton - Secretary/Treasurer
Brian Stephens - Property and Facilities
Christian Education / Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Christian Education at Zion encompasses all aspects of our lives. Our commitment is to journey with each person from birth to death as they engage in spiritual practices, respectful relationships, guided learning, and faith-filled service.
Worship and Music Ministry
Worship and Music is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the worship services. This committee coordinates and scheduled the activities of the Lectionary Readers, Ushers, Communion Servers, Intercessors, and other volunteer members who participate in our workship services.
Parish Life Ministry
Parish Life Ministry plans and coordinates congregational events to gather together for food, fellowship and conversation of our faith with each other, always seeking to encourage a congregational culture of welcome and hospitality.
Mission and Outreach Ministry
Mission and Outreach coordinates and organizes the many ways we embody the gospel in the community and for each other.
Stewardship & Administration
Stewardship and Administration coordinates and oversees gift and talent management, call and staffing. It includes two sub-committees: Finance Committee and Safety & Security Committee.
Property & Facilities
Property and Facilities manages the care and maintenance of the historic building and its property that is our congregational home.